
Face Painting + Bio-Glitter Tattoos

Certified, Professional, Insured Face & Body Artist with current
Working With Children Blue Card

Working with children for more than 20 years

Birthday Parties and Small Private Events

from $295*
Minimum booking 1.5 hours - suitable for 10 - 12 guests for 1 artist

To receive a quote specific to your event,
simply click the button below to check our availability.

Corporate Events, Community Celebrations and Festivals

from $350*
Minimum booking 2 hours - suitable for up to 25 guests for 1 artist

To receive a quote specific to your event,
simply click the button below to check our availability.

Charities and Sponsored Painting

Do you have a charity or non-for profit organization? We'd love to support your cause.
We do still charge our standard rate, however we can work with a sponsor to cover the costs of painting for your event, while also providing an unforgettable experience for your guests.

Charged to the Public

We also offer a "charged to the public" or "pay per face" option.
Complete the online booking form and we can tailor a service for your event.

Here at Squiggles Face & Body Art, we prioritize quality and safety over speed. Each person who sits in the chair deserves a safe and hygienic experience, which requires meticulous attention to detail and time. By dedicating ample time to each individual, we can provide a personalized and unique design tailored to their preferences and needs. Rushing through the process compromises the quality of the artwork and poses potential risks to health and safety, which is something we refuse to compromise on.  

*Please Note: